guess who's still pregnant?

yep. it's me. notice the lack of exclamation points.

i wouldn't say i'm "thrilled," by any stretch of the word.

definitely not.

at this point i'm thinking stretch marks are inevitable. i mean...the belly can only be pulled so tight, right?

here is what 40 weeks looks like...



guess what else?

i wear this LEAST every. single. day. my farmer even said that i should buy myself a new white tank top since i've permanently stained the belly of both the tanks i have. but i figure i'm just right here at the end...they are kind of nostalgic. i'll just keep wearing them.

these pictures were taken the day before our due date so i told my farmer...we should document! what if this is the last preg. picture?!

he agreed. so we popped out to the deck and snapped away.

our view of the farm really is lovely from the deck. the pictures don't do it justice.

you also may be questioning the ghost-whiteness of my face and assume it's the flash. nope...i really am that color.

enough bebe talk. let's talk about my amazing farmer and his amazing dancer legs. they really go for miles. both in length and distance. (one figuratively, the latter quite literally.) farmer got on board with a bit of trend a few of his friends took on.

to run 30 miles on their 30th birthdays. yes...this really happened.

unfortunately with a september birthday, being a farmer, working out the logistics of running a ski know...typical stuff...he missed the 30 miles on the 30th birthday deadline. alas, he amended the goal to be 30 miles before bebe-arrival.

just two weeks ago, on a GLORIOUS saturday morning, my farmer's great pal jamon, came to the farm and they ventured off into the desert. jamon rode his bike for 30 miles next to my farmer and played support.


mile four:

don't his legs look fresh and lively? like he could run 26 more miles!!

as he ran/jamon rode, i played support crew from the truck. i would drop off little baggies of necessities at certain mileage checkpoints. this was checkpoint 26...just four miles to go:

contents: PBR, some h2o, sweet & salty, and a goo. goo's are disgusting.

at mile poor farmer. he was feeling a little tired, a little doubtful, but with some serious determination on this face. regardless...they needed to have a little sit-down to enjoy their well-earned PBR's.

approaching the checkpoint!

having a sit-down at the checkpoint:

i do believe this is where my farmer said, "i think my right calf has exploded."

i didn't question it.

but guess what. he made it. he survived. he ran 30 freaking miles with VERY limited training.

i think his longest training run was 16 miles.

i'm not sure he would recommend only running 16 miles before a 30-miler.

upon our return another well deserved beverage for my farmer:

beverage totally helps with the recovery. it really really does.

sweet victory.

thank you jamon for your 30-mile assistance through the desert. i believe my farmer would agree that the task would have been MUCH more daunting without you.