friends…do you ever have those days when your chest feels full…like maybe it's a little hard to breathe?

not from anxiety, but from pure happiness? 

that's how this valentine weekend was for this farmer's wife. 

my little girl and my farmer…i cannot get enough of them. 

i'm a little more than a little obsessed. and i don't think it's a problem. (maybe when kaye gets older…but for now…i'm obsessed.)

even when she cries for every picture ever.

this time i thought i'd outsmart her with two animal crackers.

she outsmarted the smart, evidently. 

in this family…we don't believe in crying (lie) so we loaded up our turtle and hit the road for the ski mountain…we FINALLY have snow. 

and when there's snow, you find some hipster glasses and take duck-face pictures. 

farmer and i have been tossing around whether or not it was a good idea to set our little gal on skis this year. 

i mean…they say "if they can walk, they can ski." plus, turtle is athletically gifted (i just know it).

we couldn't do it,  but can you imagine the amazing pictures that would have provided me? plus it would have been the most adorable blog post…a 15 month old on skis. i swoon. 

so instead farmer and i got on skis and our gal jumped in the backpack. 

i'm not sure if it was the snow in her face as we skied down  or the wind or just the new sensation…but she kind of whimpered. not such a fan this day. we'll try again, i'm sure. 

for being the best little gal on the mountain we decided to grab some lunch.

there isn't a corndog our turtle has met she hasn't liked. big fan.

farmer and i lucked out after lunch and farmer's mom was able to snatch kaye away for some play time while we snuck off for a few runs. 

 even through the sleet, we had a great time.

and those skis farmer got me for christmas? they are absolutely dreamy.

happy monday. i wish i was skiing.