i'm absolutely going to lose my mind if i have to endure one more day of 50 mph+ wind on the farm. as i sit here typing this up i'm literally watching our bbq roll across our deck. the wind is relentless. since we're on a farm and our house is on a hill, there is absolutely no reprieve from the wind. no hills. no buildings…nothing to break the wind even slightly. it makes me want to throw my laptop through a window and curse at the dirt that's blasting my face. 

you can forget styling your hair. pointless.
you can forget taking your turtle outside to enjoy the sunshine. also pointless.
you can forget sleeping because the wind is rattling your entire house. 

i've been up since 4:30 am. shoot me.

in my misery i bring you generosity…

gals. it doesn't get much cuter than a rainbow of hunter rain boots…now does it? i already own a pair of bright green, but that doesn't stop me from coveting the yellow, pink, rust, navy…most all of them…definitely not that lavender color. anyway...
also pretty darn adorable are the ladies below who have teamed up for this snazzy giveaway. 

giveaways are where it's at. or as i recently heard…the bomb.com. 

i also recently heard that facebook is for old people. could this be true?

regardless // get yourself entered, visit the ladies below and see if you've found your new favorite blog, and send me your well-wishes before i burn our house down…forcing us to move to a more habitable locale.

the prizes
(1) pair of hunter boots // (1) monogrammed rain jacket // $30 paypal cash

your best gals