are we all up for some more mirror belly selfies?

oh good. i was nervous my awkwardness was too much last week. 
36 WEEK STATS | farm gal #2

WEIGHT GAIN | i'm sitting here at a downtown coffee shop sipping my decaf almond milk latte and munching (devouring) a slice of delicious pumpkin bread. this is my reward after a one pound gain this week. bringing my grand total to 16 pounds after a very long 36 weeks and three days...but who's counting?

SYMPTOMS | zip. nada. these are the facts. as signs of baby coming any time soon. it's kind of how i roll. 

if you've been reading for a bit you know kaye was nearly two weeks overdue and i was induced. call it mother's intuition, but i have a STRONG to QUITE STRONG feeling this one won't be interested in coming on her own either. 

SIZE OF BABY | this gal is right on schedule. my belly is measuring right at 36 weeks and the doctor is still predicting right around a seven pounder. he even went as far to say i am textbook perfection. i responded with "if only that were the case in college." 

at least i grow my babies real real it seems.

SLEEP | either i'm getting better at the no-sleep thing or i'm just so exhausted i don't remember waking up in the night, but i'm feeling much better rested than i was a few weeks ago. this is an absolute godsend considering my attitude towards my poor farmer has been less than desirable. 

sometimes i look at him, and just like the movies, i think, "you did this to me." hate in my heart. 

but i've so so put my best foot forward to be sweet to him. sometimes that includes an, "i'm sorry i'm a total bi*ch-face 80% of the time." 

that man - he's a saint.

WORKOUTS | i walked 18 miles last week. this is only possible because i'm obsessed with watching dexter on the iPad as i march it out on the treadmill and because kaye is still rocking three hour naps. 

i do know i'm going to have to figure out something tricky tricky when gal-face #2 arrives because i will go insane if i can't run. 

CLOTHING | farmer made the mistake of saying this morning, "black leggings and a cardigan again. surprise surprise." i asked him if he wanted me to drop some benjamins on some clothes that fit. he stopped talking.

GENDER | pink is the word.

CRIES THIS WEEK | hello week #2 in a row with no cries. 

hey hormones - suck it. i win, you lose. 

PURCHASES | i'm having some buyers guilt (not remorse) after my frye boots purchase last week (please see them pictured...i'm in love). so nothing new this week. i'm considering purchasing a new dresser for the nursery. we were going to move our old dresser in there, but it's just so huge it looks ridiculous. i also still need to get some girly accessories for the nursery like a pink pillow for the chair, a mobile, and some art...still. 
here's to another week of being the mom of one. life is about to slap me in the face.