for a very hot second i was a mom of two under two. i was pretty much a rock star...or not.
but now i'm the mom of a two year old who doubles as the wildest animal you've ever seen.
seriously, her new hobby is running bat sh*t crazy through the house screaming...which brings me to the screaming. is this a two year old thing? when does it stop? it's terrible. and the fit-throwing...also terrible.
but this isn't a bash on turtle post. this is a, "i love that turtle so much it makes my heart hurt" post. it's true. mmmm...that girl.
but first...oh hey, friday! details:
• write up a little post about five things. anythings.
• head back over here and enter your link at the bottom of this post.
• and pretty please don't forget to link back to our blogs (September FARM or {The Farmer's Wife} and/or add the oh hey, friday! button (found just above) by copying the HTML into the HTML section of your post so that others can link up as well! that's it. now get busy.

1 | girlfriend has grown up so so so much. i never realized what a little girl she was until we brought sawyer home. kaye is a giant.

the craziest part is just how different the two girls are so far. kaye was wild from the start...even though it doesn't appear so in this shot of her at one month old.
2 | but then turtle grew a few months and started crawling at five months and then WALKING at nine months. she was a mover and a go-er from the start. i should have known from utero that she was going to give me a run for my money.

quite literally the only person that can keep up with her is her farmer. thank god he has energy for days.
3 | have i mentioned you're an emotional gal? maybe you get your energy from your farmer and your hormones from your mom? you go from zero to 90 in both speed and emotions 56 times a day. i'm constantly on my toes.

4 | and then you turned one...and got even crazier. i did not think that was possible. that's when your farmer and i knew we had to get you a built in friend ASAP. built in friends (aka - a sister) on the farm are mandatory.

5 | and now you're two! you finally started to talk...even though the only people who understand you are your farmer and me. you've actually gotten faster by foot. you're going to be a runner. you also jump off EVERYTHING and stick the landing most of the time. thank god.

favorite foods - banana, oatmeal, mac n' cheese
most often said phrase - "it's cold." seriously...if it were 100º outside you would say that, "it's cold."
best feature - aside from the fact that i adore most everything about you...your very best feature these days are those blue eyes. they are beyond beautiful. i literally stare at them creepily...soon you're going to tell me to stop.
potty trained - yeah right. you're going to resist this for awhile. but please let me be wrong.
height / weight - you clock in at exactly three feet tall and 28 pounds. you're basically as big as a three year old...i know this because you wear all 3T clothing. i bought you some dresses a while back that were all 2T and they hit just so your butt cheeks were hanging out. those had to be exchanged.
hair - i never thought i'd see the day, but people are actually commenting on how much your hair has thickened over the past few months. it's happening! you also have the tiniest bit of natural curl that is pretty adorable.
sleep - you wake at 7 am every morning, come up the stairs, into our room and yell, "HI!" it's hilarious every. single. time. you nap from 12:30 - 3ish pm. you need that nap girlfriend...otherwise we're in for an emotional roller coaster of an afternoon. at night you go down between 7:30 and 8 pm...and always demand we read no fewer than three books. then you demand that we lay down and get in at least five minutes of mandatory cuddling. and by cuddling i mean you pet my face, give me super wet kisses, show me your toes three times, stick your finger in my ear, among many other less notable activities. but girlfriend...i dread the day you no longer want to cuddle.
but now i'm the mom of a two year old who doubles as the wildest animal you've ever seen.
seriously, her new hobby is running bat sh*t crazy through the house screaming...which brings me to the screaming. is this a two year old thing? when does it stop? it's terrible. and the fit-throwing...also terrible.
but this isn't a bash on turtle post. this is a, "i love that turtle so much it makes my heart hurt" post. it's true. mmmm...that girl.
but first...oh hey, friday! details:
• write up a little post about five things. anythings.

turtle - even though i'd say you challenge me most days...i am absolutely head over heels for you. this coming year i hope we can work on the potty training, verbiage usage, and diversifying your pallet...and let's nix the fits and screaming. if we get that business under control...i predict an epic third year of life.
okay gals...get your link on...
Happy Birthday to your turtle!!!! so exciting!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Turtle!!! Such a sweet post! I'm pretty sure the all over the place emotions are part being a girl and part being two. Or at least that's what I tell myself about Lily. Otherwise we are in for a really dramatic preteen phase. Goodness, don't even.
ReplyDeleteI hate to tell you but it's going to get worse for a while. Our pediatrician (who is also a saint and the kindest man on the planet) said "Two is bad, three is worse but if you can get to four, well, four is really great." He was right! I considered running away for a weekend or two a couple of times. I usually just ended up sitting on the floor of my closet with the door shut. That said, four has been a total dream. He's so much fun and we have the best conversations. He has just been the best kiddo ever! Hang tough mama! It gets better.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Miss Kaye! No one has ever looked cuter eating a toy tractor.
ReplyDeleteHappiest pf birthdays! These photos are so dang cute and making me so excited! Happy Halloween and happy weekend girl! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love seeing posts about Kaye! Happy Birthday again to that sassy little girl!
ReplyDeleteI about teared up reading thinking of how similar Xavier and Kaye are! It is crazy!
Happy Birthday Kaye! She sounds like such a fun little gal! And congrats to you on surviving two years of motherhood, cheers to that!
ReplyDeleteOMG your little babes are both so precious!! Happy Halloween!!
ReplyDeleteWalking at nine months?! That's crazy!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats again on you growing family, and Happy Halloween!
Yes, the screaming will end, I promise. This was totally a 2 year old thing for my daughter. Now that she just turned's the attitude. Lord help me. I swear she's a 14 year old in a 3 year old's body.
ReplyDeleteShe is just the cutest. Congrats on your new baby girl and officially having a 2 year old. You're in for a wild year mama!
Congrats on the baby! Yayyy! And your 2 year old is too cute! I cannot believe crawling at 5 months whew! It is so funny seeing the differences in kids, isn't it? My sister and I are 2 years apart and very different but best friends too. Thanks for hosting and have a good weekend!
ReplyDeletePrecious girl! She is so brave!
ReplyDeleteshe is adorable!! xo jillian - stop by! I'm hosting a giveaway on cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Kaye, you are darn cute!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Turtle! She is precious!
ReplyDeleteso precious! Happy Birthday Kaye!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I've heard that at two years old, you are half your full adult height. Which means that you might have a 6' supermodel on your hands one day, Mama! Happy birthday to your sweet wild woman:) Can't wait to see her in action as a big sister:)
ReplyDeleteAge 3 was our crazy year. Just saying. ;-) She's so cute, even if she's wild! Haha!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Turtle! I like your new blog design, I haven't been here in a while. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Turtle and Congrats on Baby Sawyer. I haven't been able to see any of my fave blogs because of crazy life and I missed so much. I hope Turtle had a fantastic day and Congrats once again on beautiful little Sawyer.
ReplyDeleteSophie xxx
i know all about the hair business. our little Palmer is almost 2 and still doenst have too much to speak of! :) I love reading this post all about Turtle. :)
ReplyDeleteHow is that little nugget two already?! She is seriously the cutest and I'm glad you have a little energy bomb on your hands...I think YOU need that. Keep you on your toes =)
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling S is going to be a bit mellow. They say the second one is, but hey they say a lot of things about kids that just doesn't seem to be true.
I can't believe how much Kaye and Sawyer look alike. I thought that first pic was S for sure.
So glad my little SJ isn't the only one who runs bat sh&t crazy around our house, and also loves the screaming! That pic of her jumping into the water is adorable (and so trusting!) x
ReplyDeleteMy daughter's two are about 20 months apart. The oldest is now 3 and a half. She writes about the experience e at The Uncoordinated Mommy. Check her our at