farmer and kaye visited the big city yesterday. girlfriend had her two year appointment and i stayed on the farm with sawyer.
luckily, kaye didn't have to get shots yesterday. farmer can't stand the idea of someone hurting his little girl...he thought he might have to punch the doctor. but no shots = no assault and battery charges. we dodged that bullet.
but we did learn her stats - 82% for weight and 94% for height. the doctor informed us we basically have a three year old.
with as solid as she is...farmer and i have high hopes for this ski season. girlfriend is going to be like a little bullet down the mountain. i'm dying to see her on skis with a little helmet and goggles.
meanwhile, back on the farm...
sawyer and i managed a little photo sesh. she's faaaar more agreeable than her sister when it comes to pictures.

i call her muffin 99% of the time. our little muffin. sweet muffin. muffy-muffs.
i still can't believe what a little muffin she really is. except for when she sleeps with one eye open...that's concerning and quite creepy.
come to think of it, kaye was cross-eyed for the first few months of her life, so if sleeping with one eye open is sawyer's thing, we'll deal.
in the meantime, i can't help but take pictures of all her muffin-ness. she's so warm. she's so squishy. she smells so good. she's positively edible. see? a total muffin!
and don't get me started on those toes...
lastly! did you all get a chance to read about the babyganics products i reviewed? this week is your last chance to get entered to win the $100 Visa gift card we're giving away! it's as simple as leaving a comment! #growboldly #BH #ad
Sawyer is so adorable!!! I can't wait to see pictures of Kaye when you take her skiing! My parents have a time share on a condo in Colorado, so they've had me on skis practically since I could walk :)
ReplyDeleteAww! She is such a doll! I miss having that teeny of a baby in our house! I mean, Hallie is only 10 lbs at 4 months, but OMG! When she was just sleepy all the time and I could just cuddle her all day! That was the best!
ReplyDeleteOh those toes! My heart can't handle it. So sweet!
ReplyDeleteErrrrmmmmyyyygooodddnesss! She is so squishy adorable. Muffin is the perfect nickname for her:) I'm so excited for our next little baby to love on and snuggle!
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are precious, she's beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness how cute is she?!? I need to get me one of those little girls...unless you will just loan me yours to dress up and take to get pedicures and stuff! And muffin? I like...I really like.
ReplyDeleteOk back to the comment about Kaye skiing...can a two year old really do that?? I've never snow skied in my life but have to admit I will feel pretty lame if K starts before me though.
That bubble? I die! Muffin is the perfect nickname and I love seeing pictures of her!
ReplyDeleteShe is so beautiful!! Sofia does the same one-eye sleep thing and we call her one-eyed willy, i'm sure it's a nickname she hopes doesn't stick.
ReplyDeleteUm... Those. Lips. Totally muffalicious :)
ReplyDeleteI love little baby squish. We call my daughter Muffin too. When she was born my son started calling her Muffy and would tell people that was her name, haha. But he's since changed it to Bells, which is what we call her most of the time now. Love sleeping baby pictures, keep them coming!
ReplyDeleteShe is so cute! I love the name Sawyer, it is so pretty!
ReplyDeleteHow sweet is she?! Such a little cutie.
ReplyDeleteOh she is so cute. I showed my daughter, she's 8 and loves babies. She loves her little feet. She realy wants a brother or sister.
ReplyDeleteI just love those little girls of yours!! They are both so absolutely precious!
ReplyDeleteShe is beautiful! I love the way babies smell--they should totally bottle it up and sell it because I'm sure it would sell like crazy!
ReplyDeleteHer little lips, I die!!
ReplyDeleteShes adorable and looks oh so huggable :)
ReplyDeleteSophie xxx
Yup, you are absolutely right - a total muffin! And totally beautiful.
ReplyDeleteShe is so beautiful! I love all of her pictures
ReplyDeleteDella@Della Devoted
She is absolutely precious! Love the nickname and you crack me up with the one eye open stuff!
ReplyDeleteShe is absolutely gorgeous!!! When I was a baby my nickname was winky because I only ever opened one eye for the first few months