i'm going to cheat for oh hey, friday! i'm exhausted. i'm sleepy. i'm a zombie. and i have a big knot in my shoulders.

no no...i'm not going to list five complaints for oh hey, friday! i'm going to cheat and list some of my goals that have been on my mind for the past two weeks.

but first...details:

• write up a little post about five things. anythings.

• head back over here and enter your link at the bottom of this post. 
• and pretty please don't forget to link back to our blogs (September FARM or {The Farmer's Wife} and/or add the oh hey, friday! button (found just above) by copying the HTML into the HTML section of your post  so that others can link up as well! that's it. now get busy.

1 | Group Giveaway Ad Spot Sale!
that's right...i'm getting ready to put together november's group giveaway and i need a few more fantastic gals to jump on the bandwagon. 
are you looking to get some fresh eyes on your blog? boost your readership? have a look at my group giveaway ad space. i'm offering 50% off bringing the price down to $7.50! what do you get? your pretty picture on my sidebar for 30 days and group giveaway participation! enter promo code GROUPNOV.
2 | GOAL #1
THESE are the new running crops i decided on. they'll be on my person by monday!
never did i think i would have such a hankering to get my running clothes back on. aside from being incredibly tired...i can tell my legs are itching to start running again. i'm not sure what my workout schedule will look like here in a few weeks when i get cleared to start sweating again. i think i'll have to work something out with my farmer. but if it means i'll need start waking up at 5 am to workout...well...i guess that's the bed i made so i'll lay in it.
3 | GOAL #2
before sawyer was born i made some frozen meals to help us make it through the first weeks. well, with my sister being here we have yet to tap into any of those delicious goodies waiting for us. even with a stockpile of frozen meals, still, i would like to make an effort to meal plan weekly and create some sort of schedule that will ensure i'm not scrambling at 5 pm to put together something healthy for my farmer and my turtle...oh...and myself too. 
4 | GOAL #3
my turtle, my gal, my heart - she's been such a trooper this past week with the adjustment of having sawyer in the house. and as amazing as sawyer is...well...she's kind of lame right now. (lame in the very best way possible.) i just mean that she sleeps 18+ hours a day...and when she's not sleeping she's attached to me or she's logging her 16th visit to the changing table. lame, right?
so my third goal is to log more quality one on one time with my turtle during these first months when sawyer still needs lots of sleep-time. 
5 | GOAL #4
blogggggg. i have so many goodies i want to blog...but i've literally been passing out at 8 pm (right after we put kaye down) each night. i want to blog sawyer's birth story, my must-have nursing goodies, my favorite holiday decor...and all the while give September FARM sponsors love each week. 
this has nothing to do with the goal of blogging...but it's just so so sweet.
i'm going to give myself one more week off...and then it's time to get busy on these goals...even the working out goal. i'll start off with walking a mile...slow and steady...just like a turtle.
happy weekend you fine fine people.
get linked up!