however...i was on my very very most patient behavior and i literally look like a beast. my eyes are tired. wrinkles everywhere. my gut is pooching out in a few...
will someone please remind me next year to actually PLAN our outfits so they are somewhat cohesive.
i mean...i know i'm my own worst critic, but i feel bad that i didn't give stephanie more to work with. regardless...she brought the heat, again.
but family pictures is soooooo not what i'm here to chat about today. (even though i'm totally obsessed and wish i could lock myself in a room and just play around with them all. day. long. but there's that whole bit about me having two kids to tend to and all...guh. priorities. lame.)
as i was saying...i have the stunning kiersten on the blog today! she writes over at she is fierce...which is totally something i've never used to describe myself. but kiersten...she IS fierce, and did i mention stunning?

to be a natural beauty...what that must be like? *sigh*
not only that, but girlfriend gets it done when it comes to flexing her creative muscles.
she's no slouch when it comes to photography...and shares her tips with us all.
she has an entire blogging category dedicated to inspiration. and let's be real here...we can all use a little inspiration from time to time. so thank you, kiersten, for that!
speaking of her creative talents, you can totally tap into her abilities should you need some copy written yourself! and let's face it...sometimes it's hard to come up with the right words...which is when it's nice to have talented gals like kiersten. but seriously, in her own words...
do you need brilliant copy, or an inviting about me for your website? what about a great article for your magazine, or a newsletter to tell customers about your newest products or services?
if that peaks your interest - hire kiersten!
but most importantly, maybe you're just looking for another thoughtful blogger to follow along, and i can promise you...you won't be disappointed in kiersten.
she writes about if she had a daughter...
and quite possibly my favorite post of hers - why "i don't want kids" is not your cue to say "yes you do."
which i'm 100% guilty of. (sorry gina. forgive me?)
or maybe you're just looking for some more blogging pointers. read this -
and to top it all off...it's clear kiersten is all about the f-word. and why shouldn't she be? she's fierce.
want to get in on the linkup love? the next f-word linkup is on thursday, december 4th. the topic is sexism in the media. share the f-word love, gals.
eff yeah.
to round things out, get some more of she is fierce in all her social media glory!
lastly - are you looking to flex your blogging muscles and need a new gal to sponsor? well, kiersten is most definitely offering September FARM readers a 10% discount off all her ad spots using the code SEPTEMBERFARM. check out your options HERE!
thank you so so much kiersten for making September FARM fierce for the day!
friendly reminder to the rest of you - oh hey, friday! is tomorrow! get your posts ready...or just come check it out. i'll be giving some sneak peaks at that family photo sesh we had a few weeks ago!
is kaye a baby model...because look at that face-she could have a career with that attitude!!! haha, so cute!
ReplyDeletethat picture of Kaye...I can't hardly handle it! A framer for sure!