the first oh hey, friday! of 2015 is here! yay!

if you're a first-timer, it's super simple:
i posted some resolutions earlier this week...and they were pretty generic.
don't get me wrong...i still very much need to work on eating more nutritiously as well as stop spending so much damn money on toddler clothes. but now it's time to get real with some real resolutions. things that will make me a happier person, because i've always believed that if i'm happy with the person i am, i can be the best person for the people i surround myself with.
1 | bring down the nag level. if there is one thing i'm good at, it's nagging, and it's usually directed at my farmer. "don't wear shoes in the house." "you get crumbs all over the couch." "you leave piles of clothes all over our room."
maybe these things are relatable? but i ask you...are they really worth nagging over? are they? i guess it's just frustrating to work on a project (like folding and putting away all the clothes) just to see three piles pop up again in a matter of hours.
regardless...less nagging. because let's face it, i get sick of hearing my own voice nag, and i'm know my farmer does too.
2 | say "no" way less. it's no secret...our turtle is a wild wild animal. energy for days. this results in me saying "no" to a lot. "no, don't climb on your play kitchen." "no, don't color your placemat." "no, you have to wear socks." you get the idea. but you know what...she's getting to the age where it's okay if she climbs on her play kitchen. if she falls and hurts herself, well, she's hurt and she'll get over it. this is just how it goes and it's part of being a kid, right? i'm going to take a step back from being the dictator of her life to being an active observer/guide. it's time to let her take the lead a bit and see where that takes us. i have a feeling she's going to be a happier turtle with far fewer fits.
3 | be a self-starter. i have a few goals to accomplish this year, but i don't always do the best job of going after them because i'm a perfectionist. if i think someone can do a task better than me...i typically would just rather leave them to it than tackle it myself. but i think my farmer will appreciate a little initiative considering what he does every day.
4 | adventure-seeker. i resolve to go on adventures with my girls. i mean...why not? i don't have a job. sawyer is basically the most relaxed baby ever (in her young two month life) and kaye is finding her groove. i think we're at a good stage to take a trip or two. and if we try it and it's miserable...well, we'll just try again in six months. at the very least i'll get a good blog post or two out of it.
5 | learn something new. maybe i'll learn how to tile and finally put a backsplash in our kitchen, laundry room, and bathrooms. or maybe i'll finally plant a garden and learn out to keep it alive. maybe i could learn to sew...or maybe not. let's face it...tiling sounds the most beneficial.
wow...i have a lot of self work to do.
now, it's link up time. do it to it.

- write up a little post about five anythings. five resolutions. five hollywood crushes. five bitches and moans. anything.
- head back over here and enter your link at the bottom of this post.
- and pretty pretty please don't forget to link back to our blogs and/or add the oh hey, friday! button (found just above) by copying the HTML into the HTML section so others can link up as well! that's get busy.
don't get me wrong...i still very much need to work on eating more nutritiously as well as stop spending so much damn money on toddler clothes. but now it's time to get real with some real resolutions. things that will make me a happier person, because i've always believed that if i'm happy with the person i am, i can be the best person for the people i surround myself with.

maybe these things are relatable? but i ask you...are they really worth nagging over? are they? i guess it's just frustrating to work on a project (like folding and putting away all the clothes) just to see three piles pop up again in a matter of hours.
regardless...less nagging. because let's face it, i get sick of hearing my own voice nag, and i'm know my farmer does too.
2 | say "no" way less. it's no secret...our turtle is a wild wild animal. energy for days. this results in me saying "no" to a lot. "no, don't climb on your play kitchen." "no, don't color your placemat." "no, you have to wear socks." you get the idea. but you know what...she's getting to the age where it's okay if she climbs on her play kitchen. if she falls and hurts herself, well, she's hurt and she'll get over it. this is just how it goes and it's part of being a kid, right? i'm going to take a step back from being the dictator of her life to being an active observer/guide. it's time to let her take the lead a bit and see where that takes us. i have a feeling she's going to be a happier turtle with far fewer fits.
3 | be a self-starter. i have a few goals to accomplish this year, but i don't always do the best job of going after them because i'm a perfectionist. if i think someone can do a task better than me...i typically would just rather leave them to it than tackle it myself. but i think my farmer will appreciate a little initiative considering what he does every day.
4 | adventure-seeker. i resolve to go on adventures with my girls. i mean...why not? i don't have a job. sawyer is basically the most relaxed baby ever (in her young two month life) and kaye is finding her groove. i think we're at a good stage to take a trip or two. and if we try it and it's miserable...well, we'll just try again in six months. at the very least i'll get a good blog post or two out of it.
5 | learn something new. maybe i'll learn how to tile and finally put a backsplash in our kitchen, laundry room, and bathrooms. or maybe i'll finally plant a garden and learn out to keep it alive. maybe i could learn to sew...or maybe not. let's face it...tiling sounds the most beneficial.
wow...i have a lot of self work to do.
now, it's link up time. do it to it.
I think you and I are a lot alike. My big 3 resolutions this year are to pray more, let go (of my perfectionism), and really live in and enjoy the moment. I think these will make everyone in the family a little more happy ;) Happy New Year! And thanks for hosting! -Jess, /
ReplyDeleteP.S. We are starting a new link up this year, and we would like to invite you to it! It'll be every Tuesday at 8am EST starting on January 6th (with a few giveaways for the first one!). It can be any post at all - just another place to build community and connect. We'd love it if you'd join us!
Perfectionist tendencies I can relate to and I think you have some great personal goals to work on this year! Wishing you a wonderful 2015!
ReplyDeleteLove your resolutions. You can totally learn to tile, If I can learn how to do it with no previous know how that anyone can! Happy 2015!
ReplyDeleteLove your resolutions! I'm sure my hubs would appreciate less nagging!
ReplyDeleteYES to #1. Totally agree. Lately I've had this come to Jesus thing where when I catch myself nagging and getting annoyed with small things, I just take a deep breath and try to bring it into perspective and ask myself if the "nag" will make either of happier or a better person, and if it REALLY matters in the long run. That's helped me a lot and hopefully it will continue in 2015!
ReplyDeleteI want to start saying no less often... or at least being way nicer about it when I do. Back with the Hubs and I started dating, my answer would be "No baby..." I did it so often that I "no baby"-ed my mom... She definitely was not impressed, but at least I was sweeter when I was saying no... instead of being a grumpy puss like I am now..
ReplyDeleteI totally identify with the perfectionist thing! It definitely holds me back from a lot of things, because I guess I feel like if I can't do it perfectly I don't want to try it at all and risk failure or not living up to my own expectations. Ugh! Definitely something to work on! These are great resolutions!
ReplyDeleteThose are all great resolutions -- I should add less nagging and less saying no to my list too! My word for 2015 is adventure and I am really hoping to do a lot of adventuring as well!
ReplyDeleteI agree to all of those, especially more adventures! The husband needs a good nagging every now and then to keep him on track :)
ReplyDeleteI totally did the say "no" less thing a few years ago, right before I got pregnant with out first. I kind of got the idea from that "Yes, maan" movie with Jim Carrey. Thing is, it was pretty great. I found myself really fulfilled and happy....busy too. Then, like I said I got pregnant....and then again. You know, kids and all. It really is a neat thing to do though.
ReplyDeleteI love your resolutions, especially the "no" one. I would love to do that but I don't think I would be able to :/
ReplyDeleteSophie xxx
great goals! :o)
ReplyDeleteLet's learn to tile together. I'm down. Happy 2015! :)
ReplyDeleteOoh I really like these....I think the one I can relate to is the nagging. Why is it that the one I love the most always gets treated the worst? I like to say it's because he chose me and he's stuck with me til death do we part, but still. So yes, I will join you in that one. And the it!