i really really wanted to title this post sayonara bi*ches, but no matter how i shook it, it just came off a little too abrupt...a little too harsh.

so instead i'll just hide it in the body of the post. sayonara bi*tches!

i's exactly what i would say to my very best it's totally okay that i say it here.

the farmer, sawyer-muff, and i are headed to sunny scottsdale, arizona for a little wedding, some fun and good food, and maybe even an adult beverage or five.

farmer is beyond jazzed to try this out...
i'm beyond excited to take pictures of him eating it face first in front of a bunch of people. but seriously...i really do love him.

we're leaving the wild wild animal, we lovingly refer to as kaye, here on the farm. she's going to hold down the fort with nana and grandpa. it's guaranteed she's going to have more fun with them than she would in scottsdale. these are the facts.

oh hey, friday! is still happening tomorrow. last week we had 192 wonderful ladies link up...and we'd still love to break 200, am-i-right? let's do this. just grab this little button, and we'll see you back here tomorrow!

i'll leave you with a little picture i snapped during our walk the other day. we may have to change muffin's nickname to cheeks.