you know who hasn't been on the blog enough lately? my turtle. i'm sure that's what everyone has been thinking. i mean...my gal's scowl has practically reached celebrity status in it's own right. am i right?
well, now that's she's two and a quarter, i thought it an opportunity to log where she's at; her trials and triumphs.
i think it goes without saying...my gal is the sassiest. it was recently brought to my attention by a dear friend that the way i brag on sawyer vs. the way i write about kaye is quite lopsided.
sawyer gets accolades for days regarding her sweetness, cuteness, loveliness, perfection-ness, etc.
kaye...well...kaye is kaye. girlfriend is the most wild, sassiest, whiniest, cry-babiest turtle. but you know what else she is?

kaye is thoughtful. she oozes sweetness when it comes to her sister. in the past few weeks kaye has become helpful, giving sawyer her binkie or covering her with her blankie, or sharing her prized toys. she gives kisses and comforts "my sister" when she's crying, and gives her cheek a little pet. she really is so so kind.
while kaye isn't the most relaxed child in all the land...i wouldn't change her for a second. know why? she's wild. and even though she's wild, i think that is going to translate into greatness as she grows. she'll be outspoken. she'll have a no-quit attitude. she'll have opinions. she'll be a leader. girlfriend oozes excellence, and i cannot wait to see where that takes her in five, 10, and 15 years from now.

granted, all this strong-willed nature isn't doing us any good in the potty-training department. our turtle straight refuses. she's even taken to retrieving her own clean diapers instead of the option of sitting on the toilet. i have a feeling that the day she decides she's ready it'll be a smooth process from there. (my wish?)
talking - yikes. farmer and i were a little concerned when it came to the talking. she just wasn't catching on. and then one day, just like they say, it took off. she's a regular chatterbox. i can't even begin to count the number of words and phrases she says. but most notable is when she says, "please mama," and "thank you mama." it turns my cold, dark heart to mush. she can basically have whatever she wants with those manners.
our turtle continues to be practically off the charts when it comes to the growth scale. she's a long-legged, big-bellied gal...and her hair is finally starting to thicken! granted, we still can't style it any way except a combover...but she rocks that combover so well, we'll keep at it. all the clothing i buy for our gal is a size 4 and she rocks a size 8 in the shoes. according to our wall measurements, she grows at least an inch a month...it's ridiculous.
you know what else is ridiculous? every night, around 7 pm, for whatever reason, she decides its the perfect time to run some laps. she will literally run the length of our house, back and forth, 25+ times. she just runs. and runs. and runs some more. i guess she just feels she has some extra energy stores to burn off? regardless, i see visions of us running in races together in the coming years. she'll probably beat me, but that's some competition i can get on board with.

so, even though i don't brag about kaye's sweetness and loveliness and mellowness, she has so many qualities that make me proud every day. our turtle...she's the absolute best.
Aw what a precious post! Happy 2 1/4!
I truly think you are raising the girl version of Xavier! They are seriously identical! Potty training, listening, etc....all on his time schedule! And the running laps? X doesn't walk anywhere...even on ice! Scares the crap out of me! But, like you said, they are going to do something great with all that energy, bossiness, stubborness, and cuteness :)
ReplyDeleteI have been having a rough couple of days with Xavier, and you make me feel a lot better. Not because you go through the same craziness, but that I feel like my kid is normal. lol! Thank you!
So sweet! I think it's so cool that each of your girls has their own distinct personality, even at such a young age!
ReplyDeletePrecious!!! That face in the first picture is so funny! Your babies are adorable!
I think Henry an Kaye would be best friends. The running laps at 7? Yeah he does that as well. Usually while yelling. And they have the height and foot size thing in common. He's about 6 months behind her, but I think he is wearing a size 7 shoe. His feet look like skis. I need to get a wall chart for him though.
ReplyDeleteI love her little personality (or BIG personality I guess). I'm sure it makes for some parenting challenges. But man, she will conquer the world.
Haha, love this!!! Waverly does some laps at seven each night, too - I have no idea where girlfriend gets her energy from! Those two would have a ball! And size seven shoes?!!! OMG! She has lots of big things in her future for sure!!!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your blog. My daughter sounds identical to yours as far as mannerisms. My girl is also super tall too! I'm pregnant with my 2nd and can't wait to see the differences. Unless a parent out there has a child like ours, they will never understand. When someone tries to give me advice it's hard not to laugh. Like you said, one day all of those qualities will turn into something amazing!
ReplyDeleteJust precious! I love reading about your little girls. Kaye is so adorable, and I love how you embrace her attitude in such a positive way!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! Her headstrong spirit will take her very far one day!
ReplyDeleteI love how different they are - they'll be the best of friends when they are older! And Kaye is going to be the sassiest, most fiercely protective big sis - too cute. (Also, her eyes are stunning!)
ReplyDeleteOur daughter will be 2 in April and has a very similar personality and like you I wouldn't change it for the world.
ReplyDeleteSweet girl! She'll do great things one day! :)
ReplyDeleteI love that Kaye has her own distinct personality! And who knows, even little Sawyer muffin may end up with some sass in her step as she closes in on toddlerhood - especially with a big sis like Kaye:) But if not, that's ok too. They each have their own great personalities, and both will have their own strengths and weaknesses. We were starting to worry about Caleb's language skills a bit too - he is going to be 2 in a couple of months, and wasn't using many words at all. But recently, his vocabulary has taken off too. He's not where Kaye is at, but just knowing that he is progressing is enough for me:) Potty training, however? Yeah. Big fat nowhere-even-close-to-thinking-about-it on that topic. Not going to worry about it until he's at least 2, but gosh am I dreading it....
ReplyDeleteI found your blog within the last two months and I just want to say you are hilarious! Thank you for your funny, heartfelt posts! I have a sweet (very, very sassy) almost two year old and a second due in a week. I can so relate to your post about Kaye. Asher is very strong willed I just tell myself, "he's going to be a great leader, he's going to be a great leader, he's going to be a great leader!" on those extra stressful days. Thanks for the posts!
ReplyDeleteAww she is the best! I like that she is sassy and hard core because I think she is totally mini-you! Not that you're not sweet and all muffin-tastic, but come on, we all know better =)
ReplyDeleteThat first picture made me fall in love with her. There is some sass in that girl! I love it! Ha! What a cutie. :)
ReplyDeleteMandie ~ http://badbrewpack.blogspot.com/
This won't mean much to you since we don't know each other but I'm fairly certain your daughter and my son are the same person. I have a super sweet 1 year old but my 2.25 year old boy has sass for days and he runs laps around the house and is surprisingly thoughtful and always melts my heart with his pleases and thank yous. He also has thin hair that took its sweet time coming in and has long legs and a big belly. When he is wearing his pjs and drinks milk or ate a full dinner he has the biggest pot belly. He is a sweetie when it comes to taking care of his baby sister but he has been known to hug a little too hard sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThis won't mean much to you since we don't know each other but I'm fairly certain your daughter and my son are the same person. I have a super sweet 1 year old but my 2.25 year old boy has sass for days and he runs laps around the house and is surprisingly thoughtful and always melts my heart with his pleases and thank yous. He also has thin hair that took its sweet time coming in and has long legs and a big belly. When he is wearing his pjs and drinks milk or ate a full dinner he has the biggest pot belly. He is a sweetie when it comes to taking care of his baby sister but he has been known to hug a little too hard sometimes.