the good news - we all survived the little getaway to scottsdale. we had an absolutely wonderful time and i'll be posting a little recap next week.

the bad news - i got food poisoning, i probably should have splurged on a neck brace, it's taken me an entire week to recover...and probably more. i'm still tired.

but before i dive into that...a quick recap of our week.


1. grab this here snazzy valentine button and link back to September F A R M.
2. link up your post at the bottom of this post.
3. have a fantastic friday.

MY  F I V E | W E E K L Y  R E C A P

1 | these two. sawyer loves her farmer and her farmer is head over heels for his little gal. i love when my farmer is with sawyer because it frees me up to pay all my attention to kaye. 
speaking of kaye...

2 | my gal kaye has hit a new level of ridiculously awesome hilarity. she is talking like crazy, which i feel like we waited soooooo long for. but now that it's here, it's more wonderful than i could have imagined. she's so so full of personality and a source of nonstop entertainment. it makes me want bitty to grow up so we can all really start to have some fun together. 

i mean, just look at her. driving her tractor in heels. 
3 | while in scottsdale, one of my cousins dug out some old photos of my dad, sister, and me. not only am i having hair envy of my sister, who at four had waaaay more hair than i could ever dream of, but the fact that my dad is rocking some seriously rad, nude shorty-shorts makes me miss the 80's...a lot. 
thank you thank you, sara, for gifting me these shots!
does anyone else think i look like a chubby kaye?
4 | yesterday our farmer came and snagged his gals. we had to check a few things out on the farm, which is also a wonderful opportunity for kaye to get some exploring in.

but when it gets too cold, i'm super happy to snuggle her back to the truck. 

5 | lastly...i hope everyone had a chance to check out this months group giveaway! if you haven't had a chance to enter CLICK HERE!

or...if you want to get in on the march group giveaway use the code GIVEAWAY40 for 40% off the gal-face group giveaway ad space. 

L I N K  U P  T I M E !