here's how this is about to go down.
we're going to make this oh hey, friday quick and dirty because i'm real real sleepy. i've been staying up far past my bedtime to listen the the podcast, serial. i'll be listening to the final episode this evening while i snack on chocolate chips and life cereal. it's good. so good.
if you missed the memo on this bandwagon i recommend doing a quick google search - serial podcast
do it.
but before you do that...
1 | grab this here snazzy valentine button and link back to September F A R M.

M Y F I V E | O U R W E E K (according to my iphone)
1 | farm season started about a month early.
my farmer has been working his tail off this week...and i can say i really wasn't ready for farming to start this early. guh. and i'm not even doing the work. regardless...this makes for a sleepy farmer. one of the days my farmer had literally been gone from sun up. he came home for dinner...and then this happened. of course he woke up about thirty minutes later and had to head back out for more farming...but sawyer will take those farmer cuddles whenever she can get them.
2 | i'm not ready for two princesses.
i'm definitely not ready for two princesses in the house...but kaye is. kaye absolutely insisted that bitty wear a princess crown. when it comes to her sister, kaye does such a good job sharing and making sure she's happy. it warms my cold, dark heart.
3 | st. patrick's day
sure i'm irish. seriously...i am. my grandma would certainly cringe if she found out i didn't at least wear a pin that said, kiss me, i'm irish. but i didn't. the most irish thing i did was wear green yoga pants and drink one of these. there's always next year...
4 | gorgeous weather
thursday was perfection on the weather front. sunshine like crazy and absolutely no wind. i wanted to go for a run so very very badly and flip off my treadmill in the process...
i settled for chasing kaye around while kaye chased chickens. kaye is fast, but luckily the chickens are faster. plus kaye was in her princess shoes and those slowed her substantially.
but one day...she's going to catch a chicken. neither of them are going to know what to do with themselves when that happens. i just hope i'm not there to witness it.
5 | speaking of gorgeous weather...
did i mention thursday was stunning? we were literally able to spend all day outside and that was glorious.

we even had some of kaye's friends over...and i talked them into a picture...and i trusted kaye to hold sawyer. something about that warm weather just says - throw caution to the wind! ie. trust a two year old with your four month old. sure.
in other news...i washed every single window on our house. it took F O R E V E R...but it was so needed. no seriously...we have a million windows, and most of them are tremendous. 19...after a quick count we have 19 windows and most of them are 5 feet by 6 feet. it was a big job.
okay...linky-link time!

we're going to make this oh hey, friday quick and dirty because i'm real real sleepy. i've been staying up far past my bedtime to listen the the podcast, serial. i'll be listening to the final episode this evening while i snack on chocolate chips and life cereal. it's good. so good.
if you missed the memo on this bandwagon i recommend doing a quick google search - serial podcast
do it.
but before you do that...
1 | grab this here snazzy valentine button and link back to September F A R M.
2 | link up your post at the bottom of this post.
3 | have a fantastic friday.

2 | i'm not ready for two princesses.
3 | st. patrick's day
4 | gorgeous weather
i settled for chasing kaye around while kaye chased chickens. kaye is fast, but luckily the chickens are faster. plus kaye was in her princess shoes and those slowed her substantially.
but one day...she's going to catch a chicken. neither of them are going to know what to do with themselves when that happens. i just hope i'm not there to witness it.
5 | speaking of gorgeous weather...
we even had some of kaye's friends over...and i talked them into a picture...and i trusted kaye to hold sawyer. something about that warm weather just says - throw caution to the wind! ie. trust a two year old with your four month old. sure.
in other news...i washed every single window on our house. it took F O R E V E R...but it was so needed. no seriously...we have a million windows, and most of them are tremendous. 19...after a quick count we have 19 windows and most of them are 5 feet by 6 feet. it was a big job.
okay...linky-link time!

Where do I start!!! Serial was amazing...I listened to it in 3 days and then cried when it was over. No really, I was kinda annoyed by the ending :/ BUT I did just start listening to the Podcast called "the lively show" (Jess Lively-a blogger/coach) seriously, you'll feel nothing but motivation while listening to her and the interviews she has, it's amazing! Next, your view...While I could probably never not live in a city (huge or just normal size, ie: could never live on a farm) your view incredible!!! Also, people wash windows...yikes, I need to get on that..ugh. Lastly, Sawyer, such a babe! Her face screams "MOTHER! How do you trust this girl with me in her arms!"
ReplyDeletek. i think i'm done now. I should get back to work. or go home and was my windows...eff!
Chelsea | East Willow Grove
Super cute pictures!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, you need to frame that picture of your husband and Sawyer sleeping together - precious!! Happy Friday :)
ReplyDeleteThat is a major undertaking of windows! My husband is dying to get ours cleaned. I think we have 25? I counted when we had blinds put in. That's TOO many windows for me! Go momma! Enjoy that weather! We had one beautiful day on Monday and it's been raining ever since! Yuck!
The Mrs. & Co.
Kaye chasing chickens in her princess shoes is everything. Such a well rounded child! Happy Weekend! :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pix....can just imagine that sweet girl chasing chickens in her princess shoes!
ReplyDeleteOh man that's a lot of huge windows! I hate cleaning windows, which is why mine have not been cleaned in a really long time :) Love the pics of your girls, so precious!
ReplyDeleteGood Lord. Just thinking about washing that many (big) windows makes me want to go into labor. I am currently sitting on my couch munching on skittles and trying to get up the energy to switch the clean clothes into the dryer and start a new load.
ReplyDeleteAnd where, oh, where, did your little muffin go??? Sawyer is getting so big!!! Wasn't she just a newborn like yesterday? Gosh, time flies! I totally feel you on the tired husband thing. More often than not, mine can be found in a very similar pose (ie passed out on the couch) before 8pm every evening - if he's home from work by that time, that is.
Happy Spring!
After living in a cave from 2006-2012 (seriously, that apartment had two windows and they both looked out into the trunks of enormous trees), I will never be able to hate on my windows. We only have 10, plus a regular slider and a triple-pane slider, and they take at least half of forever to wash them all. I have informed my husband, though, that at some point, we are trading in those original early-80s windows for new ones, and they will be double-paned, and also the type where both the top and bottom slide up and down, and everything tilts in to be cleaned. Because climbing through the shrubs and mini palm forest to wash the outside of them? Stinks.
ReplyDeleteYour kitchen looks just like mine...including the baby in a bumbo in the middle of the island :D
ReplyDeleteGood times and your farm is beautiful.
It looks like you're having some gorgeous weather! With the exception of Monday, it has been chilly here. Your farm is beautiful! Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeletethat weather, though. LOOKS AMAZING! I've heard podcasts are the but have yet to listen to any. I'm on that immediately. Have a great weekend!!
ReplyDeleteThese pictures totally made my heart happy!! I love them!! Totally jealous of your amazingly big and beautiful sky!!
ReplyDeleteI feel like I see Princess School and Lessons with Kaye in her future! Her first client being her little sister.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with little kids and chickens? Ellie is obsess with chasing ours around too. Luckily for her one of them is blind and an easy catch...
ReplyDeletechasing chickens in princess shoes? she is a mess! we've lived in our house almost five years and i've never washed a window. and i don't plan on it any time soon!