here's the thing. i'm hungry. the wind has been blowing nonstop here at 30+ miles p/hour for three straight days. i'm hungry. and i miss ice cream. i miss ice cream a whole whole lot.

but here i am on thursday night...showing up for oh hey, friday because i love you all so so much and it's going to help me forget that i can't eat 45 animal crackers dipped in frosting tonight.

allow me to put my bad attitude's what you gotta do -

1 | grab this here snazzy springy-themed button and link back to september farm.
2 | link up your post at the bottom of this post.
3 | tell all your friends + have a fantastic friday.

M Y  F I V E | T H I N G S  I ' V E  C H A N G E D

1 | snacking
i snack so much more. i used to really just eat a small breakfast, a medium lunch and dinner, and then a giant bowl of ice cream around 8:30 pm. i was living the life. 
now i have to distribute my calorie intake throughout the day much more evenly and they have to be good calories. (which means not fun calories.) think - hard boiled eggs, carrot sticks, hummus, almond butter on celery. 
what i'm saying is...i feel like i'm eating all the time, but not food i want to eat. lame.

2 | workouts
yay! i loooove the workouts. i went ahead and purchased the beach babe II + III dvd's. i justified this because i haven't had a gym membership in nearly five years. done and done. 
the workouts are just awesome and they hurt so good. it's really the first time i've enjoyed doing any sort of workout other than running. 

3 | meal planning
i still have to get it together in this arena. if it were just me i'd eat chicken breast on spinach for eight weeks. i really really would. i'm methodical like that. but i have to think of my farmer and best gal and my limited cooking experience. top that off with trying to keep cheese out of our dinner's tough.
so far i've made - 
  • shredded chicken crockpot fajitas (this shredded chicken tastes delicious on a bed of spinach.)
  • turkey burgers (i skipped the bun). i chopped up spinach, threw feta crumbles and the spinach with the turkey burger. mixed that all together and threw it on the grill. it was a hit, especially with kaye.
  • quinoa burrito bowls - absolutely delicious. i'll be making this once a week for sure.
4 | time
it's been a little bit tricky to find the time to get my workouts in...but i'm managing. i just absolutely have to continue to make it a priority. what makes this even more complicated is i'm also training for a half marathon, so finding time to run, in addition, makes it a little tougher as well. 

but i have some good news. to celebrate making it through my first week (seven to go!)...i'm offering a discount on all my ad spaces! how does 30% off sound? i like it. enter the word BIKINI for your discount!

la-la-link up time!

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