i just need to get something off my chest here today - i am in love with drunk history.

what is drunk history you ask? oh. em. god. it is a hilarious show on comedy central that everyone probably already knows about...and now it's finally hit idaho. five years behind the curve out here. five years. no seriously...it's been around for awhile. i think it started on the website funny or die.

here's what i'm saying. have a look. thank me later.

but i have more to say! today is a ridiculously awesome day because i get to share two lady-ladies and their blogs with you!
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in no particular order...the first would be mascara. i rarely wear a full face of makeup. however, a coat of good mascara is a must before i head out the door. it is a simple and quick way to define your face and draw attention to your eyes. i consider myself a mascara expert as i have most brands on the market. i keep my makeup simple and highlighted my routine in this post - The 5 minute Fresh Face

the second thing would be my adoring husband and loving pup. (karli says - that's two things.) they are the highlight of each day and our pup, charlie, has the ability to bring a smile to my face, no matter what.

last thing - i can't live without my water bottle // tumbler. i always drink at least 60 ounces of water, daily. now that i am pregnant, i am constantly thirsty! so, you will always find me with my tumbler by my side. this post highlights my favorite tumblers and infusion recipes!

 F A V O R I T E  P O S T S

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1 | a good highlighter

2 | bourbon

3 | a big purse

F A V O R I T E  P O S T S

the last single girl

but wait! did you think it was over? our bourbon-lovin' gal lindsay is about to get this much cooler because she's snazzied up her very own little giveaway. basically, she wants you to know that she supports your coffee habit, and ps. she wants to buy you a few drinks...coffee drinks.

thanks lindsay!

get yourself entered here...

oh! and maybe you want to get yourself in on one of these fun features? check out my advertising options HERE!