so as i was saying...why is it when you want to save's the hardest to actually save said money?

my farmer, that man-o-mine, we've been chattin'...chattin' about goals. and when it comes to our goals, unfortunately they cost some serious cash.

goal #1 - build a garage

goal #2 - pour massive amounts of concrete around our dirt driveway, forms around our flower beds, a few walking paths, and maybe even a few other projects i'm not even aware of at this point.

goal #3 - landscaping...EVERYWHERE.

goal #4 - build a playhouse // fort // slide extraordinaire for the girls.

goal #5 - boob job

goal #6 - vacation home

see...just a few budget-busting goals. and i want all of them...NOW. as in, yesterday.

unfortunately, menial things keep creeping into my life that cut into my money-saving bottom line each month. things i just have to have. you know...things. gotta have more things.

but before i tell you about all the things i must. have. now. we gotta get our link up all squared away.

1 | grab this here snazzy fall-themed button and link back to Sept. Farm.
2 | link up your post at the bottom of this post.
3 | tell all your friends + have a fantastic friday.

1 | fall-friendly cozy sweaters

like this one and this one.

i did buy this one and it looked terrrrrible on me. just terrible. it's getting returned.

2 | i think i'm addicted to booties

you may have seen that i treated myself to these booties for my birthday...and i've worn them EVERYWHERE with EVERYTHING since. they were the only shoes i brought to atlanta and i wore them for family pictures on wednesday with a little dress. which makes me think...i should probably get an additional i don't wear them out! i have my eye on a couple of pair -
via nearly $500 i won't be getting them until they are at least 75% off. and these...these are on my wish to own but i'm sure i never will. why do i only like shoes that are $500+?

3 | decorate our bedroom

yep...we've been in our house for over three years and i have yet to quasi-decorate our bedroom. i mean, sure, we have a few random pictures on the walls and some mismatched kind of works. but i'd really like to repaint, buy a tufted headboard (eh-hum...the one below)

and our pottery barn chair (we bought used on craig's list) desperately needs a new cover. i'm loving this harbor blue. slip covers. slip covers save our lives out here on the farm.

4 | spoil my gals

i have a serious problem when it comes to spoiling my best gals. i have about 203984 things in my shopping cart right now, but here are just a few...
top row - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
middle row - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
bottom row - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
5 | random purchases

and then there are always those little bits and bobs that just seems to chip away at the budget...chip chip chip. like how a straightener i've been using for five years (which was originally given to me by my hair stylist's friend...used) finally died. RIP. this wouldn't be a big deal, but i wear my hair straight every day now. time for a new one. this is the one i purchased. i've heard great things like easy on the hair and minimize damage. wish my tender hair luck.
and that's where our money went this month. bye bye boob job. hello headboard and hair straightener.

but luckily, oh hey, friday! is absolutely free. so link up below!

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