ba-badda-ba! it's here. our very first 10 on tuesday linkup. so super fun. right? like...the most exciting thing to happen to you on a tuesday.
here's how it's all going down -
1 | draft your 10 on tuesday list. it can be a list about anything. you can explain your list. or you don't have to. it could be your grocery list. your cleaning list. or a list about our top 10 pet peeves. but a list, nonetheless. k? k.
2 | grab the super snazzy button below and insert the HTML code into the HTML section of your blog. this will automatically make that pretty picture a hyperlink so that everyone knows where you're linking up at!
3 | link up below!

10 - reasons i'm so damn awkward
1 | i put my foot in my mouth all. the. time. then i try to backpedal out of it by continuing to speak. it just makes it worse every single time.
2 | when i pretend i totally know what someone is talking about and try to input something very general and they immediately realize i have no clue what they are talking about because what i just said made zero sense.
3 | to piggy-back that - i have this weird thing where i want so badly to be apart of conversations. i think it's because i live on a farm and don't talk to people a lot. i've lost some of my social normalcy. i want to be apart of these conversations and i keep trying to get a word in and i just keep speaking at the same time as someone else. i don't stop. i just keep trying. and trying. it's a problem.
4 | any interaction with a server from a restaurant. i ask too many questions. i'm always subbing out this for that. 80% of the time i have to send my meal back because they've eff'd it up so badly it's nothing like what i had intended. lesson - order from the menu. don't change anything. lesson #2 - there's a really good chance my food gets spit in on the regular.
5 | i curse like a sailor. i think it surprises people who don't know me.
6 | i can already see i'm showing signs of stage mom-status. kaye is back in gymnastics. the other day at her second lesson, without even thinking, i ran out onto the floor to help correct what kaye was doing. the other moms probably thought i was insane. kaye told me to go away.
7 | i give way too many high-fives and a solid majority of them i'm left hanging. then i high-five the air. then...when someone does catch one of my high-fives i miss the person's hand by about half. so it ends up being a weak high-five.
8 | along those same lines - if i go in for a handshake with someone all too often i grab too quickly resulting in them shaking my fingertips. then...i tell them, "oh! that was my fault." and i make them re-shake my hand.
9 | i trip up the stairs regularly. or...i don't pay attention and i think there is one more step and i end up power-stomping the floor.
10 | and lastly...i fall asleep during movies. at someones house? i'm asleep. at the theatre? i'm snoozing on a stranger's shoulder. at home? i'm doing the ugly sleep - mouth open, double chin. my farmer totally digs it.
okay! link up time! don't forget to snag the button HTML.

here's how it's all going down -
1 | draft your 10 on tuesday list. it can be a list about anything. you can explain your list. or you don't have to. it could be your grocery list. your cleaning list. or a list about our top 10 pet peeves. but a list, nonetheless. k? k.
2 | grab the super snazzy button below and insert the HTML code into the HTML section of your blog. this will automatically make that pretty picture a hyperlink so that everyone knows where you're linking up at!
3 | link up below!

10 - reasons i'm so damn awkward
1 | i put my foot in my mouth all. the. time. then i try to backpedal out of it by continuing to speak. it just makes it worse every single time.
2 | when i pretend i totally know what someone is talking about and try to input something very general and they immediately realize i have no clue what they are talking about because what i just said made zero sense.
3 | to piggy-back that - i have this weird thing where i want so badly to be apart of conversations. i think it's because i live on a farm and don't talk to people a lot. i've lost some of my social normalcy. i want to be apart of these conversations and i keep trying to get a word in and i just keep speaking at the same time as someone else. i don't stop. i just keep trying. and trying. it's a problem.
4 | any interaction with a server from a restaurant. i ask too many questions. i'm always subbing out this for that. 80% of the time i have to send my meal back because they've eff'd it up so badly it's nothing like what i had intended. lesson - order from the menu. don't change anything. lesson #2 - there's a really good chance my food gets spit in on the regular.
5 | i curse like a sailor. i think it surprises people who don't know me.
6 | i can already see i'm showing signs of stage mom-status. kaye is back in gymnastics. the other day at her second lesson, without even thinking, i ran out onto the floor to help correct what kaye was doing. the other moms probably thought i was insane. kaye told me to go away.
7 | i give way too many high-fives and a solid majority of them i'm left hanging. then i high-five the air. then...when someone does catch one of my high-fives i miss the person's hand by about half. so it ends up being a weak high-five.
8 | along those same lines - if i go in for a handshake with someone all too often i grab too quickly resulting in them shaking my fingertips. then...i tell them, "oh! that was my fault." and i make them re-shake my hand.
9 | i trip up the stairs regularly. or...i don't pay attention and i think there is one more step and i end up power-stomping the floor.
10 | and lastly...i fall asleep during movies. at someones house? i'm asleep. at the theatre? i'm snoozing on a stranger's shoulder. at home? i'm doing the ugly sleep - mouth open, double chin. my farmer totally digs it.
okay! link up time! don't forget to snag the button HTML.

Ha! I trip up the stairs all the time too... like stairs in my house that I have gone up and down a million times. Dork. Number 2... I do that all the time because I don't pay attention:)
ReplyDeleteI fall asleep all the time in the movies too! Doesn't matter what time of day or the setting. It's probably the reason we haven't paid to see a movie in theaters in 5 years ;)
ReplyDeleteWe can totally be friends. I miss high 5s all the time. When I'm nervous, I'm pretty jumpy and I might spontaneously hug people. Like assistant principals. Or students. Totally happened at Super Saturday this weekend. I am THAT girl. Pretty sure even my staff was judging me.
ReplyDeleteHaha - I'm totally laughing with you and not at you since I'm socially awkward too! The weird trying to fit in the conversation when you have no clue, the talking while they're talking, falling asleep, and tripping up stairs. Sisters from another misters for sure! Thanks for a fun link-up!
ReplyDeleteI swear like a sailor too. I have to be REALLY careful around chilluns....
ReplyDeleteHaha these are awesome! I fall asleep during movies all. the. time. And I hate handshakes.
ReplyDeleteTotally socially awkward...always trying to interject and never know how hard to really squeeze on a handshake. I went to a social happy hour last week and almost winced because this chick squeezed my hand so hard! And potty mouth...yep I have that and now that my oldest two are 25 and 22 they think it's okay to drop the F bomb and I'm all like why do you think that's okay??!! I don't know where they heard it.
ReplyDeleteKarli, you're so funny! I can't tell you how many times I've tripped over nothing. My husband is always telling me to "watch out" because I don't watch where I'm walking lol.
ReplyDeleteMy friend does a lot of online dating and she could write an entire book about her awkwardness on the dates - I love hearing her stories afterwards!
ReplyDeleteI swear like a sailor too (maybe even more so haha...) I'm the Director of a childcare centre so people can't believe how much I swear when I'm outside of work
I trip all the time and fall asleep through most movies! :) Love your list!
ReplyDelete#2. All the time. It doesn't help that my husband and all his engineer friends talk about engineer (read: boring) things all the time. I try so hard to add-in something to the conversation, but usually just end up looking really REALLY dumb.
ReplyDeleteI love this.., really love this!#8 I laughed out loud. I also fall asleep during any movie. Which is why I'm never allowed to pick said movie.
ReplyDeleteI ALWAYS try to backpedal from saying something saying more stupid things. Every. Single. Time.
ReplyDeleteMovies are essentially a sleeping pill for me 95% of the time. I can easily binge watch a show for 2 hours but ask me to sit through a 2 hour movie and I'll be asleep 20 minutes in.
ReplyDeleteThe high five thing cracked me up. Lately, I have noticed I give too many thumbs up. I'm not sure why. But I am perpetually awkward and it is getting worse the older I get. I think it's because I'm more aware of how awkward I am. Or maybe it's because I didn't used to care that I was awkward and now I care a little too much.
ReplyDeleteLolol I'm constantly left hanging with high fives!!! And I am also that person who asks for things on the menu without one of its ingredients, which means that I'm sure they add spit ;)
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up! Stairs are always a problem. Thankfully, I live in a one-story house these days.
ReplyDeleteCheers, E
Hahahaha I curse a lot, too, but don't use the language on my blog, so people would probably be shocked to know that! Only hubs gets to see that side of me, and I'm sure that he's very, very proud. ;o)
ReplyDeleteLol! I'm simultaneously laughing and cringing. I'm super awkward because I'm not a touchy feely person. So when someone goes in for the hug its like ahhhhh crack me up! Word vomit is my most awkward habit for SURE. It's like stop, just STOP!
ReplyDeletehaha, I kept nodding my head to everything on this list. Except the falling asleep thing, I rarely do that.
ReplyDeleteIt's difficult to stay awake during movies especially if they're boring or you've seen them before. I'd give you a pass of that one for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteHi five probs had me giggling, trying to picture you doing it. HAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteyes! I feel like I could have written this exact same post. along the same lines as your high fives & handshakes, I tried to go in for a hug once and my coworker literally was like, "I don't know what you're doing."
ReplyDeletexo christina
Ha! These are great! I'm totally seeing you zonked out with your mouth open while the girls are watching some Disney movie. Ha, ha! & the high fives - too funny!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, you're currently at 30 that linked up, I'm hoping that you hit that 50 mark like you wanted by the end of the day! :)
I laughed so many times as I read this! Ha ha! Mainly because it was like it was coming out of my mouth. :)
ReplyDeleteOh I love this link up idea! I will definitely have to join in next week ♥ I can relate to so many of the reasons why you are awkward. I am pro at sticking my foot in my mouth and the more talking I do the worse it gets every time ha ha! We would be quite the pair!
ReplyDeletePower stomping the floor down the stairs hah! Same here along with a serious f**&(@ cursing problem.
#5? I'm working on that!
ReplyDeleteI get a potty mouth when someone upsets me & I can come up with some pretty creative combinations. Don't mess with me and you will usually not hear it. But I'm also very dirty minded which can come out at bad times too.