here's the thing. i've written over 750 blog posts.
that's just insane. my blog has almost one million views. that's a lot of views. (in my world.)
but you know what i don't know? i don't know how to keep it fresh. i feel like i'm saying the same things over and over and over.
hi! i workout. ooo...i had a great run! hey! check out this recipe. ugh. sawyer is such a sass. yay! kaye is wild!
riiiight? same shiz. different day.
and ever since i started my little branding and design biz it seems like all my creative juices are being sucked right out of me. there's nothing left over for the blog.
or maybe it means that i'm spending more time doing my work and less time following my children around with a camera? #momguilt
or...OR...maybe it means i just need to have another baby so i can document the pregnancy. and then once i have that baby, throw in the towel, because i SURELY won't have time for this space if that were to happen.
moving on...
a few days a go a fellow blogger (laura of tiny toes, little nose) brought up that she was feeling uninspired in the blog world. (amen.)
all of a sudden, it seems like everyone is really wanting to monetize their platform...me included! every day i'm hustlin' hustlin'.
so now, it seems like a lot of blogs are less about every day happenings and enjoyable, easy reads we can all relate to...and more about buy this product // make money doing this // take this course // blah blah blah.
so as i was saying - laura asked the question (and i paraphrase) - which blogs do you find inspiring?
i thought this to be such a good idea! in the comments below, please share!
share your -
- favorite daily reads
- favorite types of blog reads
- favorite instagrammers
share why these web spaces are killing it...and then we can copy them and kill it too.
speaking of killing it // inspiring - i found this awesome GIF tutorial here!
oh! and one more thing! we have a new summer themed oh hey, friday button...and it's so so cute, if i do say so myself! snag your button below and i hope we'll see your post all linked up tomorrow!
speaking of killing it // inspiring - i found this awesome GIF tutorial here!
oh! and one more thing! we have a new summer themed oh hey, friday button...and it's so so cute, if i do say so myself! snag your button below and i hope we'll see your post all linked up tomorrow!

i like http://www.thedailytay.com/ because she's pretty funny.
ReplyDeleteLove this! I try to keep up with bloggers who are like mine, who like and enjoy the same things and current trends/news going on! xo
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I like to follow bloggers who are in the same stage of life as me. Which at this point is all about kids. I like being able to relate to them especially with struggle that is.. Toddlers! Throw in a good recipe and I'm sold.
ReplyDeleteMe too! I love reading someone who has a similar life to mine and maybe a little inspiring, whether it's in cooking/fitness/style/etc.
DeleteMy favorite daily reads are The Daily Tay, Helene in Between, Venus Trapped in Mars, etc. Mostly lifestyle blogs that are fun and a little personal. I love yours too! I love a blog that will teach me something, make me laugh, or just tell me a little more about that person. Hope that's helpful :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post! It's definitely tough sometimes coming up with content. My favorite blogs are lifestyle blogs. Some of my favs are B Loved Boston, Green Fashionista, and Barefoot Blonde. I don't mind someone incorporating fashion if it also fits in with everyday life. I'm over the let's take this course, you have to follow my newsletter, no I just want to read and relate to you. I'm also driven to bloggers who take the time to respond to comments and actually take a look at other blogs. Beautifully Candid
ReplyDeleteI definitely get sick of the monetized posts and links...but I guess that's what this is about for some people. I wanted that too, but I didn't get it and now I don't really stress about it. I enjoy writing...sharing my thoughts, and it's just a bonus if people actually like to read them too (and comments are a double bonus!). I mostly stick to lifestyle, fitness, DIY/home decor because those are things I love and am inspired by. I have 3 kids that are goofy enough to keep up the content as well. I would like to do more outfit posts, but I lack the professional photographer and really, the time to keep up. But I'll still try here and there. www.morgan-jennifer.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout it! I'm definitely going back to reading what I enjoy instead of just trying to keep up. Lately I am so drawn to farm & homestead type blogs! I would love love love it if you blogged more & farm life! You totally need to work that angle more!
ReplyDeleteKarli its so funny to me that you wrote this because you and Laura write two of my favorite blogs! I love just reading about other people's lives, because I'm nosy. And double points cause y'all have adorable kids. But even when you write about products you use I still laugh out loud because your humor shines through. And then sometimes I buy that product because I have no willpower :P
DeleteI sadly have had some of my favorite bloggers go to only monetized posts and I simply just scroll over them. I want to read that I am not alone in the daily struggles and joys of motherhood, not what I need to have right now. I also love home tours for some inspiration.
ReplyDeleteLove real life blog posts -- motherhood, toddler life, etc. Love Andrea from http://www.andtheheart.com/. I am on the hunt for posts about traveling with toddlers since we have moved our behinds to Spain and plan to do a lot of traveling with our tiny (but adorable) toddler tornado :)
ReplyDeleteI am all about the blogs that keep it real and share daily stories. It seems like lately I have been unfollowing blogs more than following, you can only read so many sponsored posts. I am a bit fan of travel and expat blogs :)
ReplyDeleteI try not to think about what everyone else is doing and keep reminding myself why I blog and why I follow the people I do. I get tired of hearing pitches all day long, I just want real life, so those are the blogs I try to follow the most.
ReplyDeleteI follow a couple blogs that do get stale- but not yours! Your day by day & stories are interesting & funny! I like the way you keep it real.
ReplyDeleteI follow a couple blogs that do get stale- but not yours! Your day by day & stories are interesting & funny! I like the way you keep it real.
ReplyDeleteI am always inspired by Emily of Ember Grey!
ReplyDeleteA. Liz Adventures is another one of my favorites; she keeps it real, too, & she's classy. 😊
ReplyDeleteFavorite blogs:
ReplyDeletewww.helloerin.com (and IG)
I think all these ladies keep it real!! :)
I love reading blogs and when I read the same post I thought the same thing. I do want to make money off of my blog, but in an authentic way. I have only done two collaborations/sponsored posts in the past, but they were with companies that I loved and products that I use myself. I don't mind seeing a post here and there, but one every day or close to makes me want to hit the x up top. I love ALizAdventures, Carolina Charm, yours, The Newly Blog (private now), Keepin Up with the Smiths, Secrets of a Stay At Home Mom, Going the Distance, Jessica's Lit Bits of Joy and the list goes on.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, your new button is adorable! I love reading blogs (like yours) that keep it real. I like normal people, with normal families, that cook dinner each night, do housework, and who's kids don't have matching outfits everyday of the week. I am inspired by your 750 posts. I just hit 80 this week and think that's crazy. I am still in the "people actually read what I have to say" phase.
ReplyDeleteI read a zillion blogs a week. Hosting two linkup parties each week leaves me reading a lot of good stuff and a lot of crap. I don't mean that in a bad way, but I guess it sounds that way. Well, the blogs that spark my interest and keep ME wanting to come back are variety, short, not long drawn out posts and those that show back a little kindness. That could be in sharing my post, writing a comment or just acknowledging someone other than themselves. Because it really shouldn't be a competition. But, it can become one if we are not careful. I can't list just one or two favorite blogs because I have many and I wouldn't be playing fair in singling out a couple because they might read this and be hurt. Yes, I play nice when I can. We all get stuck from time to time in what to write, so maybe that is when we step back and take a break to refresh and live life. After all, isn't that why we began blogging, to share our lives.
ReplyDeleteI love reading lifestyle blogs and browsing fashion blogs...Sept Farm is of course at the top of my list! The kicker for me? I love reading about real people sharing real encounters in life...whether that be how you are losing your shiz over Kaye throwing the quinoa or the recipe you used with quinoa. And interaction for sure....I seriously will be more apt to come back time and time again to any blogger who is willing to find a way to interact with me regardless of which platform.
ReplyDeleteHi there! I like reading blogs that are just about life . . . like a diary of sorts. Tell me the good, the bad and the ugly. Be real. Of course everyone wants readers who engage and comment and feel like friends . . . but I find that if I worry about who is reading what, I tend to just not blog so I am using mine as a scrapbook of my life and maybe folks can relate or get a laugh out of it. :-)