
i have this secret pinterest board. in fact...i have 29 secret pinterest boards.

before you think i'm my defense, they aren't all for me. a lot of the boards are collections for people i've done work know, so we could gather inspiration.

it's been months since i've actually looked at it. sure, i've been pinning to it - ideas here and there. but how often do we actually go back and read the random pins that at one point in time we thought were worth pinning?

recently...i did just that.

the secret pinterest board that is quite possibly my most favorite pinterest board is just titled - for me. it contains pins of random hopes and dreams i had six years ago to pins that made me smile. it has lots of pins on how to date my husband from home ( living).
to how to do my hair and makeup like a dallas cowboys cheerleader. (i went through a phase where i was obsessed with that show on CMT...and i still am. i just can't help myself.)
my secret for me board has an infographic on how to pose for a boudoir photo shoot. as well as an infographic on how to do makeup and contour...because i literally don't know. how is putting on makeup a lesson i missed in high school? this explains why in my 20's i'd go out to the bars armed with mascara and eyeliner in my purse and make it home looking like i'd been attacked with a sharpee...just around my eyes. (seriously - with each drink i apparently thought my eye makeup should get thicker...?)
i have a million stunning pins about outdoor // barn weddings...because when my farmer and i renew our vows...duh. and yes - i fully intend on wearing a full, white skirt with a flannel.

and then lately i've been pinning a lot of graphic design // branding // business strategy ideas.

since when did pinterest become my google?

what's on your secret board?