hey hey! it's time to take back the weekend! (this is my own personal mantra.)

as a stay at home mom i do a lot of work around the house every single day of the week - vacuum, dust, laundry, sweeping, kitchen / dishes, weeding, watering, and the list goes on.

and i've joked before that, "yay! it's the weekend!" but really i don't get a weekend...because...i don't work.

first of all - i do work and i need to get that through my head. i just don't work like my farmer works. practically nobody works like my farmer works.

secondly - i'm going to take back the weekend! this means...rather than continuing on with my weekly duties around the home or taking every spare moment to open my laptop and work on designs i'm going to have a weekend.

i'm thinking - fun outings with my gals, date nights with the farmer, visits with friends...and little to no cleaning.

if you find yourself having the same problem as me - i strongly encourage you to take back your weekend.

moving on...

1 | grab this here snazzy summer-themed button and link back to Sept. Farm.
2 | link up your post at the bottom of this post.
3 | tell all your friends + have a fantastic friday.

my five
one of our first dates.
1 | a long long time ago (as in 10 years ago) i met a boy. a boy who would take me rock climbing and river rafting and camping and on all sorts of adventures. he introduced me to people i'm so happy to call close friends. he's taught me so so many valuable bits of knowledge - 

don't drive on a flat tire.
what a rear differential does.
i should never drive a tractor...ever. (citing tractor incident of 2008 and swather incident of 2015.)

2 | on sunday that farmer and i will be celebrating six years of wedded bliss. and by bliss i mean...ummm...we've have a few growing pains - 
+ i probably wasn't the nicest person to live with in a single wide trailer where we started our marriage.
+ remember when you were farming all day and all night and still found time to build our home? 
+ it probably wasn't super awesome to deal with my highly emotional pregnancy with kaye. i'm sorry i cried at least three times a week for 40 weeks. but i'll stand by the fact that i was waaaaay less emotional while pregnant with sawyer.
3 | but we've had waaaaaaaaaay more good times than bad. way way.
+ the day we moved into our home. i can still remember our shower wasn't even tiled and we had one chair. you set up the bed frame and we moved the mattress over. it was basically the best night of sleep ever. i'm sure i had a smile on my face as i slept.
+ the days our sweet sweet gals were born. good lord - that is the most surreal experience. and remember when we couldn't get a doctor to come discharge us and we basically waited three days to get out of the hospital with sawyer because we had her on a friday and wanted to leave on a saturday. doctors doing rounds on saturdays - not the speediest. anyway...i had so many hormones going crazy and i reeeeeaaaallllly wanted to get home to kaye...so i was threatening to basically break out of the hospital. i kept saying, "what are they going to do?" yeah...crazy.
4 | but basically my farmer is the best. we know this. he's the hardest worker. he's so so easy to look at. he can run 30 miles with no training. he's ridiculously smart. bust most importantly...
he's beyond supportive. and by supportive i mean he'll make fun of me endlessly...but i'm pretty sure that's just his way of encouraging me.
start a blog? go for it. start a business? do it. go skydiving? absolutely. he basically says do anything and everything with a smile on his face...unless i tell him i'm going shopping. he's a firm believer in not clothes shopping. he would literally be wearing clothes from the youth ranch if it were up to him. either that or ebay. if he can find a shirt for $2...he's a happy camper.
5 | happy anniversary to my farmer // best friend // man i chased for five years // hardest working // smartest // better looking than any boy i've ever dated (inside joke). 
and all the xxxxx's to those of you here today!
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