are we all recovered from an overload of sugar? i mean...let's be real. october was sugar insanity for us. we had birthday party prep // the actual party // followed a few days later by halloween. the jeans are feeling...snug. thank god you can find me in my athleisure wear every...single...day. (because i always have every intention of working out...i just don't always get there.)

anyway...i'm proud to report i've only eaten one random, bite-sized snickers...but i did eat the frosting off of sawyer's birthday cake last night...you know...because i'm trying to stay away from gluten.

all this to say - we had a fantastic halloween. i mean...can we talk about it? look at these unicorns!

in this fourth year of dressing kaye up...i finally didn't procrastinate. i had a costume ready for both girls and i even got them dressed early so i could take all their unicorn glory out to a "pasture" (one of our fields) to do some unicorn frolicking. while the lighting wasn't ideal...i still crack up looking at my little unicorns galloping around.

uh oh - unicorn down...

not to worry - super quick recovery.
i would say the highlight of our evening was when i got in a semi-argument with an eight year old who informed kaye that she wasn't a unicorn. i overheard the harsh statement and saw the hurt look on kaye's face and asked the girl why kaye wasn't a unicorn. she informed me that unicorns don't have wings. only pegai (plural for pegasus) have wings. i then insisted pegai don't have horns...she swore they did. i told her to have fun trick-or-treating.
well...my little unicorn just so happened to want to wear pink wings while trick-or-treating...so yes. in fact...my unicorn does have wings and she does fly. now move along eight year old girl picking on a four year old.
(i was later informed unicorns with wings are called alicorns. who knew?)
we didn't let that gal ruin our night. kaye enthusiastically yelled TRICK-OR-TREAT at each door with one of her gal pals dressed as belle from beauty and the beast. they were the cutest little candy-hustlers. sawyer even managed to snag a few candy bars and said thank you after each one.
it was such a fun night and i couldn't wipe the smile from my face with all the cuteness.
i'm already looking forward to next year. maybe my farmer and i will get in on the dress-up action. i can totally see him as a handsome prince.

for those wondering!!!
we snagged our unicorn horns from the sweetest little etsy shop - Ava Rae Design Co
they are comfortable and durable and i can't recommend enough! they were delivered super quickly and both my gals have enjoyed wearing them on multiple occasions!
their little unicorn tails were a simple DIY - just snag yourself some elastic and tulle from your local fabric store and boom - you have yourself a tail.
easiest costume ever.
Gah! These are fabulous!!
ReplyDeleteSo so cute!!! How mean of that 8 year old :( Stuff like that drives me crazy! Just let the littles have their fun :)
ReplyDeleteMy childhood with My Little Pony unicorns says otherwise, 8-year-old. Seriously, who are these kids?? Alicorn. Who knew? It must be true though... even my phone didn't try to correct it. ANYWAY. I love the costumes!!
ReplyDeleteLove you cute little unicorns! :) Tell your little unicorn she's whatever she "feels" that she is wings...no wings...horn no horn. :) Being a unicorn is about what's on the inside! :)
ReplyDeleteI loove their costumes! You did a great job!
ReplyDeleteWhy are little girls so mean so early? Lord! You were much nicer than I would have been! your girls looked great! Love their costumes!
ReplyDeleteThe videos of your gal trick or treating were so precious! I love that she wanted wings with her unicorn!
ReplyDeleteKids are jerks, ha. Their costumes look great!!
ReplyDeleteThese costumes are great...makes me want to be a unicorn next year! :)
ReplyDeleteI could totally see Abigail being the kid trying to impart all of her unicorn wisdom lol. Sheesh, she is such a know it all. I'm trying to train her but oof!
ReplyDeleteI just adore these costumes!! And we are more alike than before... I got into a fight with a 5 year old because she questioned "What SJ was doing?" dressed as a mermaid and not a ghost or ghoul or something scary... BRAT!!
ReplyDeleteHow do you get adsense to work it doesn't work on my blog!