the sweetest little banner to grace a mirror or mantle or just add on to your holiday decor!

oh lord. late to the party as per usual! with easter just shy of three weeks away i finally busted out some of my decor. a few bunnies. a few eggs. and i have yet to order sweet elli girl her basket. buuuuut...she's six months old and doesn't need a basket, right? what's your vote? wait until next year?
anyway, one thing i've been wanting to get was a cute, little easter banner but in my searches i just couldn't bring myself to spend money on one. i. just. couldn't. they were like $20 + shipping.
now, before you think i'm a total cheapskate...maybe i am? whatever. i just decided i needed to make my own and then share it with all you banner-lovin' gals. (or am i the only one?)
my inspiration for this banner was taken right from the pottery barn kids site...albeit the colors are different, they don't have a funky bunny, and their letters have glitter on them...and i'm sure their paper they have it printed on is nice. whatever! i can basically call this a pottery barn kids banner.'re probably like...get on with it. give us the banner. and i'm like...let me just dangle this proverbial carrot. see what i did there? carrot...bunny...easter. god i'm good.
but's what the banner looks like! and it could be yours for the low cost of zero dollars! you just need six sheet of paper and a color printer.

i'll be taking a little thumb drive over to fedex/kinkos and printing on their cardstock. i'm sure it will cost approximately $3. so easy.
okay - all you have to do is click here for all the pages. simple as that! orrrrrr...if you're feeling like it's too late in the game for this year, you can pin it for next!

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