I know...I know! So many changes here on the blog formally known as Farmer & the Bell and September Farm and now...Girls Traveling!
If you've been here for any length of time it's pretty clear to you that I'm married to a farmer. We live about an hour from any sort of large-ish town...That being Boise...out here in Idaho.
You also know that we have three daughters - Kaye - 5 / Sawyer - 3 / Elli - allllmost 1
You may also have recognized that I'm not the mom with the kids who are relaxed homebodies who prefer to just chill. (As much as I love that...whyyyyyy can't they just be chill sometimes?) My daughters are get up and go and do all the things / as many of the things / all the time / never stop / always wondering what's coming next. They are brave. They are excited. They are outgoing. Well...Kaye is extremely outgoing, which makes up for Sawyer's quasi-outgoing-ness.
Kaye is five. F I V E. Which also means she's been working on all things Kindergarten. She even surprised me last night by reading three pages out of a book. I asked her how she learned to read and she replied, "I've been teaching myself at night after Sawyer's asleep."
Mind. Blown. If you could have seen my face. Is this a normal thing kids do?
Anyway - I've / We've made the decision to keep them out of traditional school for a few more years which inspired me to make the very very most out of these precious days that seem to be flying by right before our eyes.
Let me back up for a second...
I was losing all sorts of confidence / endurance / inspiration with September Farm. Poor September Farm. I needed a break after Elli arrived. I took that break and realized I no longer wanted to blog under that name...But I was feeling this tug that i neeeeeded to keep blogging. It's such a solid creative outlet for me, as well as a fun way to document how we spend our special moments.
So these days are flying by. I want to document all the things...i deem special. I also want to homeschool my children (for at least a few years). And so...Girls Traveling was born.
Girls Traveling is going to document our adventures. I want my girls to get excited about each little trip we take. Some trips will be bigger than others. Some will be all about learning. Some will be all about fun. But hopefully I can successfully marry the two and learning on the road will be something we all enjoy.
I have a few topics I'm going to focus on - warm weather getaways / cold weather getaways / world travels / hacks and mishaps / travel gear...and of course - a heavy focus on Idaho, because as it turns out, there is so much of Idaho I / we haven't explored.
A rather disproportionate chunk will be travel of just my three best gals and me...because that farmer has to farm and do all those farm things that farmers do with their farm. And of course...this makes me sad...and very scared. I'm a scared traveler. And by scared I mean I'm just not one to trust my children to make every moment picture perfect / completely enjoyable / stress free...Know what I'm saying? But this is an opportunity for me to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I'm a very capable adult. I can totally handle travels with three kids...by myself (most of the time).
Let me add - It's not like I'll be on the road 298 days a year. No no no. We aren't abandoning our farmer. No ladies...he's not on the market. The plan is to take a trip every other month-ish, and that will be capped off by a large trip during slow farming season (winter) that our farmer will be able to get in on and really enjoy vacationing with his seasoned travelers.
So that's the blog plan! I still need to map out our travels for school year 2018/19...But in the meantime if you have any suggestions of must visit places for the gals and me, please share in the comments below. I know we'll be visiting northern Idaho in the very near future. I also know we will be mapping a trip to Tahoe for the very end of summer (September). As always - follow along!
Brave travels!
Congrats on the rebrand and new direction! Cant wait to see your adventures
ReplyDeleteHOW EXCITING!!!! Love the rebrand and new name - and you four gorgeous gals and your adventures :)
Exciting! Love the new look.
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting direction to take your blog in! I have only been to Idaho once... and that was to drive through to South Dakota. I tried so hard to get my family to make a few stops... but alas that did not happen. The only thing I know about Idaho is from friends. That one thing is how beautiful Coeur D'alene is!